Silk Road Project Illustrated Report
Guidelines for Creating an Illustrated Report on the Effects of Trade and the Silk Road
Background: Imagine that you’ve been hired by the World Trade Organization to research trade and the Silk Road of yesterday as it relates to today. When trade flourished, empires and nations accumulated wealth. The Silk Road was most successful during times of peace. For example, trade was at its highest along the Silk Road when major empires conquered much of Asia, like the Greeks, Parthians, Romans, Muslims, etc. These empires worked to protect the movements of caravans and goods throughout their empires.
Since the goal of the World Trade Organization is to set rules and encourage trade between the nations of the world, you are assigned to research the products and ideas that were exchanged long ago, in addition to their effect on today’s world. How is the world we live in today better or worse given what was traded on the Silk Road of yesterday? More importantly, how would the world benefit if there was global peace and goods, technology and ideas could flow freely across nations and oceans?
Use the ideas you recorded in your Silk Road Virtual Tour Graphic Organizer to create your illustrated report describing trade on the Silk Road in the past and how it has affected us today. Follow these guidelines:
- Give your report an appropriate title.
- Write your report for the General Council at the World Trade Organization who are interested in encouraging and providing a peaceful world for trade to increase among nations.
- Include at least 8 entries, with the first one being an introduction (Your background and the purpose of your report). The other 7 need to include each stop along the Virtual Tour and at least one good or idea exchanged there.
- Illustrate each of your entries with pictures or drawings.
- In your conclusion, make an argument how trade has benefit us in the past and continues to do so today. Consider the pros and cons of globalization, but make a suggestion as to how the World Trade Organization can help to make trade beneficial for all.